Colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease affecting rectum and lining of the colon and digestive track. The lining of the large intestine becomes inflamed and often leads to the formation of open sores and ulcers. The swelling of the colon results in pain and passing of blood and mucus in the stool. If untreated the ulcerative colitis can result in life threatening complications. According to Ayurveda, ulcerative colitis is mainly caused due to imbalance of pitta doshas. Vedicmeds Ayurveda has developed a multi-dimensional treatment which pacifies the Pitta dosha to brings relief in symptoms and cures the ulcerative colitis from its root cause.
The details of treatment are mentioned below:
Makes the stool soft and easy to pass. Reduces strain and relaxes the pelvic muscle for an easy bowel movement. Improves digestion. Reduces pain in anus while defecating.
DOSE : 2 Tablets with water after breakfast & dinner.
Stops alternate episodes of diarrhea and constipation. Heals infection of the colon. Increases blood circulation. Subsides pain in abdomen and rectal area. Decreases the urge of emptying the bowel frequently. Heals the inflammation of the colon tissue. Stops infection in the intestine.
DOSE : 2 Tablespoon with equal amount of water after breakfast & dinner.
Stops bloody and mucus diarrhea. Reduces abdominal cramps. Improves digestion and appetite. Reduces loss of weight and constant fatigue.
DOSE : 1 Tablespoon with equal amount of water after breakfast & dinner.