Digestion is the process by which the food ingested is broken down into a simpler and absorbable form. According to Ayurveda, Agni is considered as the key factor for digestion and it is responsible for good health of an individual. A balance in doshas (Vata, pitta and kapha), agni (metabolic factors), dhatus (tissues), malas (excretory products) and harmony in mental factors like indriyas, manas, atma is needed for a good health in a person. And all this is possible when agni, which is viewed as the source of life is maintained in an optimum level. Harmful foods such as deep fried foods, processed meats, and very cold foods, can create undigested residue that forms toxins, or in Ayurvedic terms “ama.” Ama is described as the root cause of disease. So it becomes very much necessary to keep ama controlled in the body.
The details of treatment are mentioned below:
Reduces abdominal discomfort and bloating after having a meal. Increases appetite and improves digestion. Relives constipation and burning sensation while pass stool.
DOSE : 2 Tablets with water after breakfast & dinner.
Improves digestion. Reduces flatulence and bloating. Reduces fatigue. Normalizes excess acid secretion in the stomach and subsides burning sensation in the throat and chest area. Improves the nutrient absorption capacity of the intestine.
DOSE : 2 Tablespoon with equal amount of water after breakfast & dinner.
Reduces pain in the stomach. Decreases heartburn and acidity. Reduces the feeling of nausea and vomiting. Decreases burning sensation in stomach and esophagus. Reduces heartburn and hyper acidity. Decreases formation of excessive gas and belching.
DOSE : 1 Tablespoon (3 Gms) with water after breakfast & dinner.