Works on the neuro-muscular system of the body to control the tremor and involuntary movements of hands and legs. With regular use trembling of hands and feet reduces and the person can have better control on the movements. |
Reduces the stiffness of shoulder muscles, neck, arms and other parts of the body. |
Improves co-ordination and balance in movement which otherwise is affected in Parkinson’s disease. |
Improves the sleep cycle so that mind and body can get adequate rest. |
Improves alertness and reduces confusion and dissolution of mind. Helps to come out of depression and reduces anxiety. |
Take 5 - 10ml of this therapeutic oil on your palm. Rub your palm to heat the oil a bit. Massage on the body and head or use as directed by physician. |
This treatment is recommended for people above 18 years of age or as per advised by the Physician. |
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease. That means symptoms of the condition typically worsen over time. Parkinson’s disease is caused by degeneration of nerve cells in the brain called the Substantia Nigra, which controls the movements. These nerve cells die or become impaired with age, losing the ability to produce an important chemical called dopamine. Normally, dopamine helps to coordinate the millions of nerve and muscle cells involved in movement. Without enough dopamine, this balance is disrupted, resulting in tremor (trembling in the hands, arms, legs and jaw); rigidity (stiffness of the limbs); slowness of movement; and impaired balance and coordination.. Treatment for Parkinson’s relies on a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and therapies.Vedicmeds Ayurveda’s Therapy for Parkinson’s disease comes as an extension to the process to help to manage this medical condition in a more effective way. This therapy is equally helpful for people suffering from, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
- Works on the neuro-muscular system of the body to control the tremor and involuntary movements of hands and legs. With regular use trembling of hands and feet reduces and the person can have better control on the movements.
- Reduces the stiffness of shoulder muscles, neck, arms and other parts of the body.
- Improves co-ordination and balance in movement which otherwise is affected in Parkinson’s disease.
- Improves the sleep cycle so that mind and body can get adequate rest.
- Improves alertness and reduces confusion and dissolution of mind. Helps to come out of depression and reduces anxiety.
- Take 5 - 10ml of this therapeutic oil on your palm. Rub your palm to heat the oil a bit. Massage on the body and head or use as directed by physician.